Rude Tales of Magic

Class Dismissed

Episode Summary

The beginning! What a fine place to start. We meet our nascent heroes in the throes of the beginning of the sunset of their scholastic salad days. Demon possessions, ominous warnings, and threats from Hell itself auger ill and trouble. Can they matriculate from danger to destiny? Can they graduate magna cum...adventure? Come hear even more perfect-but-accessible-in-a-fun-sexy-way entertainment at

Episode Notes

The beginning! What a fine place to start. We meet our nascent heroes in the throes of the beginning of the sunset of their scholastic salad days. Demon possessions, ominous warnings, and threats from Hell itself auger ill and trouble. Can they matriculate from danger to destiny? Can they graduate magna cum...adventure?

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WE MAKE ANOTHER PODCAST:  Oh These Those Stars of Space! The "stars" of this podcast are really "out" tonight, if you know what I mean.

follow us on twitter for goodness sake, it's fun! And it's probably the best way to contact us, all things considered.

We're very happy to now publicly thank our exec producers, Sydney and Benjamin Paul and Tyler Button. Without your support we'd have an actual bucket for a hat, instead of these very nice bucket hats. Thank you.

This episode features additional sound design by Michaël Ghelfi. Michaël creates brilliantly crafted soundscapes and ambient tracks for all sort of productions and they make perfect accompaniment to your ttrpg home games. Find his work on YouTube, and support that good stuff on Patreon.